Nursing Fundamentals

This is one of the first classes you can expect to take in a nursing program, often required during your first semester. Nursing fundamentals courses give you an overview of what it means to be a nurse, how healthcare works, and potential careers and roles […]

Pharmacology in Nursing

Pharmacology is the study of medications. Nursing courses in pharmacology focus on the safe administration of medications, including opioids and other substances with the potential for abuse; different methods for administering them; how to watch for medication errors; and potential drug interactions. In addition to […]

Leadership Management

Leadership management is typically offered later in RN curriculum since it requires broader knowledge of the scope of nursing. These classes include management and administration, staff leadership and motivation, legal and ethical aspects of leadership, nursing strategic planning, and healthcare administration. The curriculum combines management […]

Community and Environmental Nursing

Community and environmental nursing is a branch of public health. These courses, which are typically offered in BSN programs, look at how the community and environment affect health and how to promote health in different communities and environments. Students will study factors including community safety, pollution […]

Clinical Theory

Clinical theory teaches you the theoretical underpinnings of medicine and nursing, and how medical and nursing practices are designed, tested, and applied. It is typically one of the later RN classes, as it requires some familiarity with nursing and healthcare theory and practice. In these […]

Clinical Study

Clinical study (often abbreviated as “clinicals”) is a vital part of becoming an RN, since it requires fieldwork hours in a clinical setting such as a hospital, physician’s office, health clinic, or other healthcare facility. During this course, you will apply both the skills and the […]

 Introduction to Psychology

Introductory psychology is typically a prerequisite course needed to enter nursing programs. It covers principles and practices of psychology and helps nurses understand both psychology as a medical discipline, and how to use applied psychology as a nurse and communicator. Topics include cognition (how people […]